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The NAIL-Q’s multifaceted approach allows for a holistic assessment, enabling healthcare providers and researchers to gain a thorough understanding of the impact of nail conditions and tailor interventions accordingly.

NAIL-Q is a patient-reported outcome (PRO) instrument designed by Dr Anne Klassen for patients with any type of nail condition (fingernails and toenails). NAIL-Q is a self-report tool that should be answered independently by patients themselves, without interpretation by the parent(s) or healthcare provider. NAIL-Q has a set of 7 scales that measure the following concepts: Nail Appearance, Nail Distress Nail Symptoms, Physical: Fingernails, Physical: Toenails, Strength: Fingernails, and Outcome.


  • Comprehensive measurement allows for a thorough evaluation of various aspects of nail.
  • The tool is deigned to assess patients with any type of nail condition, whether affecting fingernails or toenails.
  • Patient-Centered Assessment & self reported nature.
  • Nail-Q are clinically relevant, addressing not only the aesthetic aspects of nail appearance but also emotional distress, symptoms, physical well-being, and strength.
  • Use in hardcopy and electronic.
  • Licensed to individuals and to organizations.

Therapeutic Areas

  • Nail Health
  • Nail Appearance
  • Nail Distress
  • Nail Fungus


  • Academic studies
  • Evaluation use
  • Clinical trials


MILO Business Development

Hamilton Health Sciences, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton and McMaster University logos.