Resource Listing
Account Request Form for the Faculty of Health Sciences
This form is used for funded research and must accompany any request for a new research account. (July 22, 2021)
Application Approval Form for the Faculty of Engineering – Sponsored Project Checklist
Every grant application and contract (i.e., research project) requires a completed and signed checklist. (January 2025)
Application Approval form for the Faculty of Science – Sponsored Project Checklist
Every grant application and contract (i.e., research project) requires a completed and signed checklist. (January 2025)
Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Exchange – Conference Attendance and Representational Activities Final Report Form
Final report form for the Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Exchange Conference Attendance and Representational Activities Grant (December 2022).
Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Exchange – Conference Attendance and Representational Activities Grant Guidelines and Application Form
Application form and guidelines for the Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Exchange Conference Attendance and Representational Activities Grant (June 2024).
Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Exchange – Scholarly Publications Final Report Form (ROADS)
Final report form for the Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Exchange Scholarly Publications Grant (December 2022).
Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Exchange – Scholarly Publications Grant Guidelines and Application Form (ROADS)
Application form and guidelines for the Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Exchange Scholarly Publications Grant (September 2024).
Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Explore – Major Collaborative Project Seed Grants Final Report Form
Final report form for the Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Explore Major Collaborative Project Grant (December 2022).
Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Explore – Major Collaborative Project Seed Grants Guidelines and Application Form
Application form and guidelines for the Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Explore Major Collaborative Project Grant (September 2024).
Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Explore – Standard Research and Research Creation Grant Final Report Form
Final report form for the Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Explore Standard Research and Research Creation Grant (December 2022).
Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Explore – Standard Research and Research Creation Grant Guidelines and Application Form
Application form and guidelines for the Arts Research Board (ARB) SSHRC Explore Standard Research and Research Creation Grant (September 2024).
Biological Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) Template
Template agreement with standard terms to share biological materials (cells, tissues, etc.), either receiving or sending, with a 3rd party (company, non-profit, other research institution) . Terms are negotiated by MILO Research Contracts group on behalf of McMaster. (November 2019)
Collaborative Research Agreement
Template agreement with standard terms to receive funding or collaborate with a 3rd party (company, non-profit) for research purposes. Terms are negotiated by MILO Research Contracts group on behalf of McMaster. (December 2022)
Copyright Disclosure Form
Form used by any faculty, student, or staff, as part of their research efforts and/or using university resources, that have created software, questionnaires, apps, e-books or other copyrighted materials that may have commercial potential. If there are any questions, please seek direction from MILO Business Development staff. (December 2022)

Disclose your Research
Disclose research discoveries, inventions, copyright, software, and educational materials.
Discovery or Invention Disclosure Form
Form used by any faculty, student, or staff, as part of their research efforts and/or using university resources, to report new inventions, discoveries, processes, or materials that may have commercial potential. If there are any questions, please seek direction from MILO Business Development staff. (December 2022)
Educational Material Disclosure Form
Form used by any faculty, instructor, or administration staff, as part of their instructional activities and/or using university resources, that have created copyrighted materials that may have commercial potential. If there are any questions, please seek direction from MILO Copyright Team. (June 2024)
HRS Checklist – Application Approval Form for Faculty of Health Sciences (HRS Only)
Updated September 2021 - Approval form to be completed by the PI in order to obtain institutional approval for the submission of a grant application.
HRS Internally Sponsored Research (ISR) Template Form
Use this template for awarding funds internally (July 26, 2021)
HRS Transfer Form (from an existing ledger 8-Acct to a new 8-Acct)
This form is used for transferring funds internally between McMaster faculty members (July 26, 2021)
In-Kind Contribution Certification
This form is to be used to record the in-kind contribution received from a external research partner. For more information regarding this form, please contact your Senior Research Accountant. (December 2022)
Non-Biological Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) Template
Template agreement with standard terms to share non-biological materials (chemicals, apparatus, etc.), either receiving or sending, with a 3rd party (company, non-profit, other research institution) . Terms are negotiated by MILO Research Contracts group on behalf of McMaster. (November 2019)
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template
Template agreement with standard terms to share confidential information (data, non-published knowledge), either receiving or sending, with a 3rd party (company, non-profit, other research institution). Terms are negotiated by MILO Research Contracts group on behalf of McMaster. (December 2022)
Request to Transfer Funds to Co-Applicant
Form to be completed by the PI to request an internal or external transfer of funds from a research account to a co-applicant. (June 2021)
Research Contract Account Request for the Faculty of Health Sciences / MILO Checklist (MILO/HRS)
Submit to MILO either the original signed Checklist, or a scanned copy of the original. If the scanned version is submitted, the Principal Investigator must retain the original signed Checklist on file. (June 2024)
Research Project Holder’s Accountabilities Form
A Research Finance form which gives principal investigators primary signing authority for their research accounts. This form is also used to delegate other individuals authority to perform transactions on the principal investigator's behalf. (December 2022)
Scientific Stores Purchasing Delegate Authorization Form
A Research Finance form which allows principal investigators to authorize students for Scientific Store purchase. (October 28, 2019)
Software Disclosure Form
Form used by any faculty, student, or staff, as part of their research efforts and/or using university resources, that have created software or mobile applications that may have commercial potential. If there are any questions, please seek direction from MILO Business Development staff. (November 2022)
Space Allocation Approval Form (ROADS)
Form to be completed by the PI and Faculty indicating approval of occupancy of the space by PI. (December 2022)