ECRI will be the national leader of innovative and sustainable solutions that will put research into action for the benefit of people affected by cancer.
ECRI brings together scientists representing many disciplines, including anatomical pathology, clinical chemistry, nuclear medicine, immunology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, surgical oncology, gynecological oncology, nursing, psychology, health policy, cancer epidemiology, and biostatistics. ECRI has an integrated research agenda which encompasses translational research, clinical trials, quality health care and knowledge translation, all focused on the rapid transfer of research to patient care, system design and health care policy.
The Hamilton academic community has a rich history of innovation in education, multidisciplinary health research and a commitment to evidence based practice. ECRI scientists build on this foundation of innovation by collaborating with cancer researchers across McMaster University and around the world, with policy makers and decision makers interested in building a sustainable and transformative cancer system, and, most importantly, with patients and families challenged by cancer.
ECRI is co-located with the Juravinski Cancer Centre (JCC) at Hamilton Health Sciences, on the spectacular Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The JCC is one of the largest academic regional cancer centres in the country. Serving a regional population of 1.3 million, the cancer centre is a natural partner for ECRI, and the region it serves a natural laboratory within which to identify the most pressing cancer patient, provider and systems issues, and to design, test and evaluate solutions to these issues that will be meaningful to the community and applicable to other cancer programs provincially, nationally and around the world.
Director: Dr. Gregory Pond