People Listing
Alex Adronov
Prize (2002)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Barry Allen
Internal Award (2017)
Distinguished University Professor (Active)
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Humanities
Sonia Anand
Fellowship (2022)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Nathan Andrews
Fellowship (2024)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Department of Political Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Mehran Anvari
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Surgery
Faculty of Health Sciences
Richard Arthur
Fellowship (2022)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Humanities
Stephanie Atkinson
Fellowship (1980)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Pediatrics
Faculty of Health Sciences
Richard C. Austin
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Paul Ayers
Fellowship (2016)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Christina Baade
Internal Award (2015)
University Scholar
Department of Communications & Multimedia
Faculty of Humanities
Richard Bader
Fellowship (1980)
Guggenheim Fellowship
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Brian Baetz
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan
Fellowship (2021)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Faculty of Science
John Bandler
Appointment (2017)
Officer of the Order of Canada
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Douglas Barber
Appointment (2007)
Officer of the Order of Canada
Department of Engineering Physics
Faculty of Engineering
Ronald Barr
Fellowship (2024)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Pediatrics
Faculty of Health Sciences
Andrea Baumann
Internal Award (2016)
Distinguished University Professor (Active)
Department of Nursing
Faculty of Health Sciences
Savage Bear
Appointment (2023)
Member of the Order of Canada
Indigenous Studies Department
Faculty of Social Sciences
Marshall Beier
Internal Award (2009)
Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award
Department of Political Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Mohit Bhandari
Appointment (2018)
Member of the Order of Canada
Department of Surgery
Faculty of Health Sciences
John Bienenstock
Induction (2011)
Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Gianluigi Botton
Fellowship (2018)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Dawn Bowdish
Fellowship (2020)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Michael H. Boyle
Award (2009)
CIHR - Canadian Health Researcher of the Year
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
John Brash
Fellowship (2004)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Phillip Britz-McKibbin
Internal Award (2007)
Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Bertram Brockhouse
Prize (1994)
Nobel Prize in Physics
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Michael Brook
Internal Award (2017)
Distinguished University Professor (Active)
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Sarah Brophy
Fellowship (2014)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists
Department of English & Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Eric Brown
Fellowship (2023)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Regina Browne
Fellowship (1980)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Nursing
Faculty of Health Sciences
Martin Browning
Internal Award (1997)
Distinguished University Professor (Retired)
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
Clifford Burgess
Fellowship (2008)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Dennis Burke
Fellowship (1966)
Sloan Research Fellowship
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Lori Burrows
Award (2023)
Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences - Canadian Science Publishing Senior Investigator Award
Department of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Jason Busse
Internal Award (2024)
University Scholar
Department of Anesthesia
Faculty of Health Sciences
John Cameron
Fellowship (1967)
Sloan Research Fellowship
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Colin Campbell
Medal (1983)
Royal Society of Canada - Thomas W. Eadie Medal
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Jules Carbotte
Internal Award (1996)
Distinguished University Professor (Retired)
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Chandrima Chakraborty
Fellowship (2019)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Department of English & Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Anthony Chan
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Pediatrics
Faculty of Health Sciences
Alan Chen
Internal Award (2008)
Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Ryan Cloutier
Prize (2023)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
May Cohen
Appointment (2018)
Officer of the Order of Canada
Department of Family Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Daniel Coleman
Internal Award (2023)
Distinguished University Professor (Active)
Department of English & Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
William Coleman
Internal Award (2003)
Distinguished University Professor (Retired)
Department of Political Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
John Collins
Appointment (2019)
Member of the Order of Canada
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Faculty of Health Sciences
Malcom Collins
Fellowship (1970)
Sloan Research Fellowship
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Stephen Collins
Fellowship (2013)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Pierre Conlon
Fellowship (1982)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of French Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Catherine Connelly
Fellowship (2014)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists
Department of Human Resources and Management
Faculty of DeGroote School of Business
Deborah Cook
Induction (2025)
Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Brian Coombes
Internal Award (2016)
University Scholar
Department of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Science
Walter Craig
Internal Award (2016)
Distinguished University Professor (Active)
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Faculty of Science
Mark Crowther
Internal Award (2023)
Distinguished University Professor (Active)
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Katherine Cuff
Internal Award (2015)
University Scholar
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
Kari Dalnoki-Veress
Medal (2009)
Royal Society of Canada - Rutherford Memorial Medal, Physics
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Martin Daly
Fellowship (1998)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour
Faculty of Science
Juliet Daniel
Prize (2020)
Canadian Cancer Society - Inclusive Excellence Prize
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Ross Datars
Fellowship (1980)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Phillip DeCicca
Prize (2008)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
Jamal Deen
Appointment (2018)
Member of the Order of Canada
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Mohamed Deen
Medal (2008)
Royal Society of Canada - Thomas W. Eadie Medal
Department of Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Amelia DeFalco
Prize (2009)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of English & Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Judah Denburg
Fellowship (2024)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Susan Denburg
Fellowship (2018)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Peter Dent
Appointment (2017)
Member of the Order of Canada
Department of Pediatrics
Faculty of Health Sciences
Frank Denton
Fellowship (1984)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
P.J. Devereaux
Fellowship (2020)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Alba DiCenso
Appointment (2014)
Member of the Order of Canada
Department of Nursing
Faculty of Health Sciences
Tohid Didar
Internal Award (2024)
University Scholar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Maureen Dobbins
Fellowship (2021)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
School of Nursing
Faculty of Health Sciences
James Douketis
Fellowship (2020)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Allan Downey
Internal Award (2023)
University Scholar
Department of History
Faculty of Humanities
Robert Drysdale
Fellowship (2001)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Henry Duckworth
Medal (1980)
Royal Society of Canada - Henry Marshall Tory Medal
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Katherine Dunbabin
Fellowship (2004)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of Classical Studies
Faculty of Humanities
David Earn
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Faculty of Science
Michael Egan
Internal Award (2012)
Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award
Department of History
Faculty of Humanities
Wael El-Dakhakhni
Internal Award (2017)
University Scholar
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Mohamed Elbestawi
Fellowship (2004)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Marie Elliot
Internal Award (2015)
University Scholar
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Ali Emadi
Award (2019)
NSERC Synergy Award for Innovation
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
David Embury
Internal Award (1997)
Distinguished University Professor (Retired)
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
John Eyles
Fellowship (2001)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Geography & Earth Sciences
Faculty of Science
Harvey Feit
Fellowship (2001)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Anthroplogy
Faculty of Social Sciences
Stephane Flibotte
Prize (1993)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Engineering
Derek Clifford Ford
Fellowship (1988)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Geography & Earth Sciences
Faculty of Science
Warren Foster
Fellowship (1980)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Faculty of Health Sciences
Cecile Fradin
Prize (2003)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Thomas Fraser
Prize (2002)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
Jean Chamberlain Froese
Appointment (2014)
Member of the Order of Canada
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Faculty of Health Sciences
Bennett Galef
Fellowship (2009)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
Faculty of Health Sciences
Jack Gauldie
Award (2022)
Life Sciences Ontario - Community Service Award
Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Bruce Gaulin
Internal Award (2017)
Distinguished University Professor (Active)
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Peter George
Appointment (2007)
Member of the Order of Ontario
Faculty of Social Sciences
Hertzel Gerstein
Fellowship (2023)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Ronald Gillespie
Appointment (2007)
Member of the Order of Canada
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Andrea Gonzalez
Fellowship (2022)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Frank Graham
Internal Award (1999)
Distinguished University Professors (Retired)
Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Kathryn Grandfield
Internal Award (2023)
University Scholar
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
George Grant
Fellowship (1980)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Humanities
Michael Grignon
Fellowship (2024)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
Pengfei Guan
Fellowship (1993)
Sloan Research Fellowship
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Faculty of Science
Gordon Guyatt
Prize (2024)
Henry G. Friesen International Prize in Health Research
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact
Faculty of Health Sciences
Alvin Hamielec
Fellowship (1987)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Richard Harris
Fellowship (2010)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Geography & Earth Sciences
Faculty of Science
William Harris
Fellowship (2007)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Surgery
Faculty of Health Sciences
Paul Harrison
Prize (1990)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Simon Haykin
Internal Award (1996)
Distinguished University Professor (Retired)
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
R. Brian Haynes
Appointment (2010)
Officer of the Order of Canada
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, & Impact
Faculty of Health Sciences
Catherine Hayward
Prize (1997)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Arthur Heidebrecht
Fellowship (1991)
Canadian Academy of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Jennifer Heisz
Internal Award (2023)
University Scholar
Department of Kinesiology
Faculty of Science
Jack Hirsh
Induction (2000)
Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Adam Hitchcock
Fellowship (2006)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Todd Hoare
Fellowship (2018)
NSERC - E.W.R. Steacie Fellowship
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Kathleen Houlahan
Award (2024)
Canada Gairdner Early Career Investigator Award
Department of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Steve Hranilovic
Fellowship (2023)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Linda Hutcheon
Fellowship (1992)
Guggenheim Fellowship
Department of English & Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Eileen Hutton
Fellowship (1980)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Faculty of Health Sciences
Bonny Ibhawoh
Fellowship (2021)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of History
Faculty of Humanities
Alfonso Iorio
Fellowship (2021)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact
Faculty of Health Sciences
Justin Jin
Internal Award (2015)
University Scholar
Department of Accounting & Financial Services
Faculty of DeGroote School of Business
Gyan Johari
Fellowship (1993)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Sharon Kaasalainen
Fellowship (2023)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Nursing
Faculty of Health Sciences
Catherine Kallin
Fellowship (2016)
Simons Society Fellowship
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Charu Kaushic
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
John Kelton
Prize (2015)
Prix Galien Canada Research Award
Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Michelle Kho
Fellowship (2024)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Department of School of Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Michael Kiang
Prize (2009)
Council of Ontario Universities- John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
James King
Fellowship (1998)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of English & Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Leslie King
Fellowship (1988)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Geography & Earth Sciences
Faculty of Science
Martin Kolb
Fellowship (2024)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Gail Krantzberg
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Walter G. Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology
Faculty of Engineering
Ray Lapierre
Fellowship (2018)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Engineering Physics
Faculty of Engineering
Adam Lavecchia
Prize (2021)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
John Lavis
Fellowship (2019)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact
Faculty of Health Sciences
Mary Law
Appointment (2018)
Officer of the Order of Canada
Department of Rehabilitation Science
Faculty of Health Sciences
Mark Levine
Appointment (2016)
Member of the Order of Canada
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, & Impact
Faculty of Health Sciences
Mitchell Levine
Fellowship (2021)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact
Faculty of Health Sciences
Marilyn Lightstone
Fellowship (2024)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Mark Loeb
Fellowship (2020)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Graeme Luke
Fellowship (2023)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
John Luxat
Fellowship (2012)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Engineering Physics
Faculty of Engineering
Joy MacDermid
Fellowship (1980)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Rehabilitation Science
Faculty of Health Sciences
John MacGregor
Internal Award (2003)
Distinguished University Professor (Retired)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Daniel Machiela
Internal Award (2018)
University Scholar
Department of Religious Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences
James MacKillop
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Harriet MacMillan
Fellowship (2021)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Peter Maitlis
Prize (1970)
Steacie Prize
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Science
Maureen Markle-Reid
Fellowship (2021)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
School of Nursing
Faculty of Health Sciences
Pater Mascher
Fellowship (2018)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Engineering Physics
Faculty of Engineering
Cherif Matta
Prize (2004)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Daphne Maurer
Internal Award (2010)
Distinguished University Professor (Retired)
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
Faculty of Science
Lawrence Mbuagbaw
Internal Award (2023)
University Scholar
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact
Faculty of Health Sciences
A.G. McKay
Fellowship (1980)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of Classical Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Paul McNicholas
Fellowship (2023)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Faculty of Science
Prashant Mhaskar
Internal Award (2018)
University Scholar
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Matthew Miller
Fellowship (2024)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Department of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Karen Mossman
Fellowship (2020)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Margo Mountjoy
Fellowship (2024)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Family Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
J. Fraser Mustard
Award (1988)
J. Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Parameswaran Nair
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Moncef Nehdi
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Henry Nelles
Medal (2006)
Royal Society of Canada - J.B. TyRrell Historical Medal
Department of History
Faculty of Humanities
Natalia Nikolova
Fellowship (2015)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Geoffrey Norman
Fellowship (2007)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, & Impact
Faculty of Health Sciences
Peter Nyers
Internal Award (2017)
University Scholar
Department of Political Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Robert O'Brien
Visiting Research Chair (2021)
Fulbright Research Chair in Public Diplomacy
Department of Political Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Paul O'Byrne
Appointment (2024)
Officer of the Order of Canada
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Constance O'Connor
Award (2013)
Royal Society of Canada - Alice Wilson Award
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
W.J.B. "Jack" Owen
Fellowship (1980)
Guggenheim Fellowship
Department of English & Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Guillaume Paré
Fellowship (2018)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Laura Parker
Internal Award (2013)
Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
David Parnas
Fellowship (2001)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Computing & Software
Faculty of Engineering
Robert Pelton
Fellowship (2011)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Stuart Phillips
Internal Award (2023)
Distinguished University Professor (Active)
Department of Kinesology
Faculty of Health Sciences
Hendrick Poinar
Fellowship (2024)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Anthroplogy
Faculty of Social Sciences
Stephanie Premji
Internal Award (2023)
University Scholar
School of Labour Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences
John Preston
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Engineering Physics
Faculty of Engineering
Gary Purdy
Appointment (2023)
Member of the Order of Canada
Materials Science & Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Ishwar Puri
Fellowship (2017)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Parminder Raina
Appointment (2022)
Member of the Order of Canada
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact
Faculty of Health Sciences
Ghani Razaqpur
Fellowship (2008)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Maikel Rheinstadter
Internal Award (2016)
University Scholar
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
J.E. Robinson
Fellowship (1980)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of Engineering Physics
Faculty of Engineering
Charles Roland
Medal (1994)
Royal Society of Canada - Jason A. Hannah Medal
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Trish Ruebottom
Internal Award (2024)
University Scholar
Human Resources and Management
DeGroote School of Business
David Sackett
Fellowship (2009)
Canada Gairdner Wightman Award
Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Faculty of Health Sciences
Edward Salmon
Medal (1980)
Royal Society of Canada - Pierre Chauveau Medal
Department of History
Faculty of Humanities
E.P. Sanders
Fellowship (1980)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of Religious Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Victor Satzewich
Visiting Research Chair (2022)
Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Peace and War Studies
Department of Sociology
Faculty of Social Sciences
Gary Schrobilgen
Fellowship (2007)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Eileen Schuller
Fellowship (2014)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Religious Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Michael Schutz
Internal Award (2014)
Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award
Department of Music
Faculty of Humanities
Henry Schwarcz
Internal Award (1999)
Distinguished University Professor (Retired)
Department of Geology
Faculty of Science
Graham Scott
Prize (2011)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Malcolm Sears
Prize (2016)
J. Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Hsien Seow
Fellowship (2024)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Department of Oncology
Faculty of Health Sciences
Alexandre Sevigny
Internal Award (2006)
Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award
Department of Communications & Multimedia
Faculty of Humanities
Denis Shaw
Medal (1981)
Royal Society of Canada - Willet G. Miller Medal
Department of Geography & Earth Sciences
Faculty of Science
Heather Sheardown
Fellowship (2024)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Leslie Shemilt
Fellowship (1987)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
John Shewchun
Fellowship (1980)
NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Faculty of Science
Shepard Siegel
Internal Award (1999)
Distinguished University Professor (Retired)
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
Faculty of Science
Alison Sills
Internal Award (2005)
Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Sheila Singh
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Surgery
Faculty of Health Sciences
William Slater
Fellowship (1980)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of Classical Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Leyla Soleymani
Fellowship (2022)
Royal Society of Canada - College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Department of Engineering Physics
Faculty of Engineering
Cesar Sosa-Padilla
Prize (2016)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
Ian Spenser
Fellowship (1980)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Donald Sprung
Fellowship (1980)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Gregory Steinberg
Fellowship (2023)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
David Streiner
Fellowship (2022)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Peter Sutherland
Fellowship (1978)
Sloan Research Fellowship
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Imre Szeman
Internal Award (2003)
Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award
Department of English & Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Ada Tang
Internal Award (2024)
University Scholar
School of Rehabilitation Science
Faculty of Health Sciences
Lehana Thabane
Fellowship (2023)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact
Faculty of Health Sciences
Henry Thode
Medal (1989)
Royal Society of Canada - Sir John William Dawson Medal
Department of Chemistry & Nuclear Technology
Faculty of Science
Thomas Timusk
Fellowship (1995)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Laurel Trainor
Internal Award (2017)
Distinguished University Professor (Active)
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
Faculty of Science
Ayse Turak
Internal Award (2015)
Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award
Department of Engineering Physics
Faculty of Engineering
John Valliant
Prize (2014)
NSERC Brockhouse Prize
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Faculty of Science
Ryan Van Lieshout
Internal Award (2023)
University Scholar
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Elena Verdu
Fellowship (2023)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
John Vlachopoulos
Fellowship (2014)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Alan Walker
Fellowship (1984)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of School of Arts
Faculty of Humanities
Roger Walker
Fellowship (1981)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Geology
Faculty of Science
Stephen Walker
Fellowship (2013)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Faculty of Arts & Science
John L. Wallace
Fellowship (1980)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Ted Warkentin
Prize (2015)
Prix Galien Canada Research Award
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Garrett (Gary) Warner
Appointment (2005)
Member of the Order of Canada
Department of Arts & Science
Faculty of Arts & Science
Nicholas Watson
Prize (1990)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of English & Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
David Weaver
Fellowship (2007)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
John C. Weaver
Fellowship (2013)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of History
Faculty of Humanities
Jeffrey Weitz
Appointment (2023)
Officer of the Order of Canada
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Doug Welch
Medal (2010)
Royal Society of Canada - McNeil Medal
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Timothy Whelan
Prize (2019)
Canadian Cancer Society - O. Harold Warwick Prize
Department of Oncology
Faculty of Health Sciences
John Whitney
Award (2024)
Canadian Society for Chemistry - Melanie O’Neill Award
Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
David Wilkinson
Fellowship (2009)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Allison Williams
Fellowship (2024)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Earth, Environment & Society
Faculty of Science
Christine Wilson
Fellowship (2017)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Faculty of Science
David Winch
Fellowship (1980)
Dorothy Killam Fellowship
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
Sandra Witelson
Fellowship (1996)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Max Wong
Fellowship (2007)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Christopher Wood
Medal (2007)
Royal Society of Canada - Miroslav Romanowski Medal
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Gerard Wright
Fellowship (2024)
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellow
Department of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Gu Xu
Fellowship (2015)
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Jeremy Yethon
Prize (2002)
Council of Ontario Universities - John C. Polanyi Prize
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Lorraine York
Fellowship (2017)
Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Department of English & Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Salim Yusuf
Award (2022)
World Heart Federation - Lifetime Achievement Award
Department of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Dena Zeraatkar
Award (2023)
Canada Gairdner Early Career Investigator Award
Department of Anesthesia
Faculty of Health Sciences
Shiping Zhu
Internal Award (2015)
Distinguished University Professor (Active)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering