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Copyright 23-051

1-Day Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-Based Workshops for Postpartum Depression

CBT-Based Workshops for Postpartum depression.


Many new moms experience the “baby blues” after childbirth, which commonly include mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and difficulty sleeping. However, up to one in five will experience more severe, long-lasting struggles with mood called postpartum depression. Sometimes called peripartum depression, it can start during pregnancy and continue after childbirth to affect her and her family. If a new mom has postpartum depression, prompt treatment can help her manage her symptoms and help her bond with her baby.

The 1-Day CBT-Based Workshop for Postpartum Depression is a unique day-long intervention consisting of 7 hours of psychoeducation delivered in 4 modules by an individual or a pair of facilitators.

  • Module 1: contains information on the causes of PPD with a focus on modifiable cognitive risk factors (e.g., negative thoughts, maladaptive core beliefs).
  • Module 2: focuses on cognitive skills, including cognitive restructuring.
  • Module 3: builds behavioural skills such as problem-solving, behavioural activation, assertiveness, sleep strategies, and using supports.
  • Module 4: provides an opportunity for goal setting and action planning.

Teaching methods include didactic sections, group exercises, and role-plays. A participant workbook manual has been developed and is used by participants. There is also a training package to assist facilitators in learning how to deliver the intervention effectively.


  • Provides a brief, cost-effective option for mothers to reduce PPD and anxiety, improving social support, the mother-infant relationship, and positive emotions in offspring.


CBT-Based workshops can be applied to:

  • Any setting supporting mothers and birthing parents in the first year after delivering an infant
  • Traditional healthcare systems (i.e., hospitals and other funded psychiatric, obstetric, and pediatric outpatient clinics)
  • Public Health Units
  • Health Management Organizations
  • Any other organizations delivering healthcare to mothers and birthing parents after delivering an infant


MILO Business Development

Hamilton Health Sciences, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton and McMaster University logos.