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Copyright 10-014

Psychotherapy Training e-Resources (PTeR)

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Training students in the psychotherapies can be difficult due to inadequate resources, especially in smaller programs. Psychotherapy educators in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences at McMaster University have developed a novel e-resource, PTeR, to aid existing training programs in teaching and learning psychotherapy.

PTeR provides easy and convenient access for busy physicians, psychologists, social workers and other allied mental health professionals to remain up to date with current developments in the psychotherapies.

Clinical vignettes illustrate a variety of therapy approaches, modeling specific therapeutic techniques and drawing special emphasis to the therapeutic alliance. PTeR offers PowerPoint seminars for all psychotherapy modules, as well as references, bibliographies, self-help for patients, MCQs to assess knowledge base and “virtual therapist” (VT) scenarios to assess clinical skills.

There are many benefits to working with PTeR – users can either work individually at their own pace or integrate PTeR into an existing curriculum. The modules are set up in a way that learners are exposed to a variety of therapies and different practice techniques are demonstrated in the clinical vignettes.

Psychotherapies are evidence based treatments for patients with psychiatric disorders and psychological problems. Students in psychiatry, psychology, social work, family medicine, nursing and other allied disciplines receive some form of training in the psychotherapies.


  • to help training directors meet psychotherapy requirements
  • to help augment clinical supervision in programs
  • to provide resources for educators for preparing seminars
  • to help training directors assess competence in psychotherapy
  • to help learners see different forms of psychotherapy
  • to help learners expand their knowledge base in psychotherapy
  • to provide continuous online learning for students and faculty



PTeR Administrator

Hamilton Health Sciences, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton and McMaster University logos.