Inventory of Drug-Taking Situations (IDTS): Alcohol Questionnaire
Non-Confidential Summary
Market Need
Allows substance use counsellors and researchers to assess the situations in which a client has used alcohol over the last year.
Technology Description
A clinical tool that allows substance use counsellors and researchers to assess the situations in which a client has used alcohol over the last year. It gauges a client’s substance use over the same 50 risk situations. The IDTS can be used in both individual and group counselling programs with clients whose substance use problems range from mild to severe. The (IDTS) consists of two separate questionnaires—one for alcohol and one for up to three other drugs.
Stage of Development
The IDTS generates a separate profile of risk situations for each substance and can be used in both individual and group counselling programs with clients whose substance use problems range from mild to severe.
Notable Publication
Sklar, S.M., Annis, H.M. & Turner, N.E. (1997). Development and validation of the Drug-Taking Questionnaire: A measure of coping self-efficacy. Addictive Behaviors, 22(5), 655-670.
For more information contact:
Dr. Klara Vichnevetski
Director, Industry Partnerships & Technology Transfer
(416) 595-6056
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
33 Russell Street, Suite 4039
Toronto, ONT, CDA M5A 2S1