Resource Listing
Account Investigations
Information security can conduct user account investigations to support policy and legal incidents.
Active Data Management
The RDM Team provides guidance on finding secure storage solutions to keep research data safe.
Administration of Unix/Linux and Windows systems
Providing access to and support for these systems for computational tasks during data analysis.
Advanced Research Computing, Alliance Training Calendar
Explore the Alliance's upcoming ARC training.
Alliance Data Visualization and Analysis Support
Assist researchers in generating visualizations and analyzing complex results from HPC to support the publication of findings and sharing of insights.
Alliance Software Development Support
Dedicated Programming support competition offers significant support to make the researcher’s software use our resources efficiently.
Alliance Software Management Plan (SMP) Template
A Software Management Plan (SMP) details how a software project is developed, maintained, and curated, ensuring long-term accessibility and usability.
Antivirus Protection
Antimalware provisioning and monitoring (Cortex XDR / Trend Micro) to protect against a spectrum of threats like ransomware.
Canadian Research Software Platforms – Digital Research Alliance
Explore the Canadian Research Software Platforms.
Cloud Access
Access to VMs in the cloud, to host research portals, host persistent research analysis software etc.
Code Publishing
Preserving, depositing and citing code used to generate data and results to fulfil funding and publication requirements and facilitate reproducibility.
Consultation for Software Development Needs
Assist researchers in identifying software needs and defining project requirements for custom software development to support their research goals.
Custom Software Development
Develop tailored software solutions to collect, analyze, or visualize research data, ensuring that the tools are aligned with the project's specific needs.
Data Analysis Support Hub (DASH)
The DASH program is developed to assist with data analysis and software applications such as Excel, SPSS, and other statistical software.
Data Curation Primers
Data curation primers are peer-reviewed, living documents that detail a specific subject, disciplinary area or curation task and that can be used as a reference to curate research data.
Data Deposit and Sharing
Data Deposit or sharing may be required by a funding agency or journal, or to support reproducibility or open science.
Data Management Plan Assistant
DMP Assistant is a national, online, bilingual data management planning tool developed by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance) in collaboration with host institution University of Alberta to assist researchers in preparing data management plans (DMPs).
Data Management Plan Database
This database gathers examples from across the world including DMPs from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Qualitative DMP Competition, DataOne, Digital Curation Centre, Liber, the Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance, and UC San Diego Research Data Curation into one searchable, open-access platform.
Data Management Plans
A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes how you will manage, store, secure, document, and share research data.
Data Storage and Backups
RDM provides storage solutions and backup support throughout data collection and analysis.
Data Visualization and Web Survey Implementation
Assistance with visualization and survey tools (e.g. LimeSurvey).
DataWorks! Help Desk Knowledge Base
The Help Desk provides how-to guides for the biological and biomedical research community to help them navigate and adopt data sharing policies and practices.
Digital Research Kickstarter
The Digital Research Kickstarter aims to better equip researchers to work within McMaster’s digital research environment.
External Access Requests
Information security provides remote access to on-premises infrastructure through our firewall (e.g. specialty microscopes).
External Partnership Agreement Reviews
The Information Security team provides comment and attestation on security controls that may be required by commercial partnerships.
Getting Started with MacSphere
MacSphere is McMaster University’s Institutional Repository (IR). The purpose of an IR is to bring together all of a University's research under one umbrella, with an aim to preserve and provide access to that research.
Hardware and Software Consultations
RHPCS offers hardware and software options during the project planning phase of a research project.
Helping Researchers Access Alliance Resources
SHARCNet / Digital Research Alliance of Canada guidance on whether researchers need to apply for our annual Resources Allocation Competition and help with the application if needed.
High-Performance and Advanced Research Computing, Digital Research Alliance Canada (DRAC)
Explore the Alliance's ARC Resources.
High-Performance and Advanced Research Computing, SHARCNet Training
Explore SHARCNet's training portal.
High-Performance Computing (HPC) Access
Access powerful computing clusters that enable researchers to process large datasets, run complex simulations, and perform advanced analyses more efficiently. The resources include CPUs, GPUs, memory, and storage.
How to Make an ORCiD
ORCID is a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. Learn how ORCID can help you spend more time conducting your research and less time managing it.
Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Manage secure access for collaborators, including setting up special accounts for external partners who need to use our Office 365 tools.
Incident Response
Detect, contain and remediate malware and other situations, such as compromised credentials.
Information Security at McMaster Resources
General Information Security resources that would be useful for researchers at McMaster.
Information Security Awareness Training
Provides baseline training for information security awareness, along with specialized research topics.
Information Security Consultations
Information Security assists local IT teams with security planning and risk assessment.
Information Security for Researchers
As a leading research institution, it is critical that research related information is properly protected at McMaster.
Information Technology Units at McMaster
This webpage provides an overview of what those services are and who to contact to receive them.
Knowledge Dissemination and Deposit to Optimize Impact
Identify appropriate and impactful avenues for disseminating their research. Repository guidance for non-traditional research outputs (e.g. software, performances, artworks, etc.)
LimeSurvey Central Instance Resource Hub (OVPR University)
The Office of the Vice President, Research offers our research community free access to the survey service, LimeSurvey, 'Central Instance' - a tool that allows survey data to be collected and stored locally (on-campus).
McMaster Experts
McMaster Experts is McMaster University’s researcher and expertise discovery gateway that aims to facilitate collaboration among academic researchers and spark increased engagement with other communities in academia, industry, and the media, locally, nationally, and internationally.
McMaster Indigenous Research Primer
The purpose of the Indigenous Research Primer is to guide those at McMaster University who are engaging with Indigenous Peoples and communities in their research.
McMaster University Dataverse
McMaster University Dataverse is a research data repository for our faculty, students, and staff. Researchers can choose to make content available publicly, to specific individuals, or to keep it private.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Multi-factor authentication is an easy way to protect your Microsoft 365 email and calendaring service.
Network Diagrams for Labs and Offices
This document provides information about the possible network configurations for research labs and offices at McMaster.
Reproducible Research Software learning module
This learning module intends to provide guidance on how to prepare for and improve reproducibility in your research software based on the FAIR principles.
Research & High-Performance Computing Support (RHPCS)
RHPCS supports the computational and digital research infrastructure needs of researchers from all disciplines across campus.
Research & High-Performance Computing Support (RHPCS) Resource Wiki
Explore the resource wiki
Research Centres, Institutes & Core Platforms
McMaster’s research centres, institutes and core platforms bring researchers together to solve complex problems.
Research Data Deposit and Sharing
Open access to data allows for the verification and reproduction of research. The best way to share data is to publish it on a recognized data repository.
Research Data Management Consultations
Request a research consultation during any stage of research.
Research Data Management Storage
Every research project has a different set of data storage needs and these must be matched with the feature sets of data storage platforms to find the best platform for the data.
Research Data Storage Finder
This interactive tool lists various data storage and backup providers recommended by the Research Data Management team at McMaster.
Research Help (McMaster University Library)
Explore the Library's research tools & training.
Research Impact & Bibliometrics
Research Impact Service supports individuals, groups, and departments as they seek to understand the impact of their own work and identify opportunities for extending their reach.
Research Software Development Learning Modules
Access the Research Software Development team's Learning Modules.
Research Software Development Services (RSDS)
Developing and supporting software development for researchers, research groups and research facilities.
Research Software Directory
The Research Software Directory is designed to show the impact research software has on research and society.
Research Software Licensing Catalogue
The Research Software Licensing Catalogue is a searchable resource for researchers at McMaster to assist in identifying available software licenses and research software support. Requires signing in with a MacID, as the information is only accessible to the McMaster Community.
Researcher’s Information Security (IS) Handbook
This handbook describes best practices around information security for researchers.
Resource Allocation Competition (RAC)
The Resource Allocation Competition (RAC) enables faculty members and their research groups to access compute, storage and cloud resources beyond what can be obtained via the Rapid Access Service (RAS).
Secure Networks
Information security assists researchers in designing and implementing secure computer networks for their labs/offices where insecure endpoints are used.
Setting Up a New Software Project
In this learning module, we will provide developers with a suggested software setup and management plan aimed at small teams creating medium-sized projects.
Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship, Online Learning Catalogue
Navigate 90+ event recordings, online modules, and webinars.
Single Sign-On (SSO) – Next.js
A sample project that shows developers how they can add Single Sign-On (SSO) to their Next.js single-page application to allow users to sign using their MacID credentials.
Single Sign-On (SSO) Application Integration
Get help integrating your applications with single sign-on, making it simple to manage permissions and secure access.
Single Sign-On (SSO), PHP web application
A sample project that shows developers how they can add Single Sign-On (SSO) to their PHP web application to allow users to sign using their MacID credentials.
SSL Certificate Management
Manage website security certificates, including issuing certificates for self-managed websites and handling renewals.
Support for Bibliometric Analysis Studies
Develop search strategies and methodologies for studies that include bibliometric analysis.
Support for CFI and Other Funding Applications
Assists researchers with effectively articulating their computational needs in grant applications and advising on requirements in consultations that RHPCS coordinates with Compute Ontario and Digital Research Alliance Canada (DRAC)/SHARCNET.
Support for Grant Applications and Award Nominations
Help researchers assess and express their past research impact through bibliometric indicators and visualizations.
Support Software Development
Provide recommendations for project management and collaborative development.
The Turing Way Handbook
The Turing Way Handbook aims to provide all the information that researchers, data scientists, software engineers, policymakers, and other practitioners in academia, industry, government and the public sector need to ensure that the projects they work on are easy to reproduce and reuse.
Travel Security
Work with Research Security (Office of the Vice-President, Research) to advise and support travel to areas of concern.
Using Transcription with Data from Human Participants
Access the Guidance. Requires signing in with a MacID, as the information is only accessible to the McMaster Community.
Vendor Security Assurance Review
Information Security provides guidance and opinion on the security posture of third-party vendors.
Virtual Private Networking (VPN)
Virtual Private Network (VPN) software allows you to connect to the campus network from an off-campus computer and access devices, software, and networks that are normally not available from off campus.
Vulnerability Checks
Identify at-risk infrastructure that could lead to undue risk of compromise or exposure.