- T. Flynn (Chair), Communication Studies & Media Arts, Faculty
- N. Penner, Linguistics & Languages, Faculty
- P. Gardner, Communication Studies & New Media, Faculty
- S. McEwan, Communication Studies & Multimedia, Ph. D. student
- T. Lennie, Philosophy, Ph.D. student
- C. Whitwell, Linguistics & Languages, Ph.D. student
What is HSREC?
HSREC is the Humanities Student Research Ethics Committee. It is a sub-committee of the McMaster Research Ethics Board (MREB).
The purpose of HSREC is to ensure that all minimal-risk undergraduate student research projects, and all minimal-risk course-based research in graduate and undergraduate courses, conducted in the Faculty of Humanities, that involve the participation of human participants, comply with Canada’s Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS) on the Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans and McMaster University’s Research Integrity Policy.
All research ethics application are submitted through the MacREM system, and the Research Ethics Officer will assign applications to MREB or to one of the SRECs, as appropriate. Note that if the research is considered greater than minimal risk or involves ethical or legal issues in which the SREC does not have adequate expertise, then the protocol shall be sent to MREB for review. With respect to research protocols submitted to a SREC for review, the recruitment of human participants and/or the collection of their data, may not begin until the SREC clears the protocol for research ethics.