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Therapeutics & Diagnostics 19-007

Laboratory score for predicting cardio-toxicity

Bar graph. Green bar is called BM1. Blue bar next to green bar is taller and called BM2.
Laboratory score uses validated blood tests to accurately predict cardio-toxicity in patients undergoing cancer therapy.


Tech ID



P. Kavsak
S. Dhesy-Thind
S. Mukherjee

Patent Status

Provisional patent filed

Stage of Research

Proof of principle data available


Sunita Asrani
Associate Director
Business Development and Copyright


Minimizing the risk of cardiotoxicity is an essential consideration in tailoring medical treatments involving anticancer therapy. Current methods of cardio-toxicity management and detection are based on physical examination, assessment using echocardiography, and endomyocardial biopsy. Unfortunately, these methods either have low diagnostic sensitivity, low predictive power in detecting subclinical myocardial injury, or are impractical due to invasiveness. These methods only identify cardiac damage after the onset of cardiac dysfunction. Thus, a novel algorithm to detect risk of cardiotoxicity is advantageous, using a combination of easily detectible cardiac biomarkers in the blood.


  • Identify patients who are at risk for cardiotoxicity and a reduction in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)
  • Guide treatment in patients exposed to therapies with potential cardiotoxicity


  • Identify patients that will experience cardiotoxicity when other cardiac biomarkers cannot
  • Cost-effective diagnostics tool for early identification of patients susceptible to cardiotoxicity from all medical treatments
  • Increased sensitivity and non-invasive approach

Hamilton Health Sciences, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton and McMaster University logos.